Facts and Figures


Land's surface 29,654 km²
Capital city Potsdam
Largest city Potsdam with 178,089 Inhabitants (2018)
Smallest city Märkisch Buchholz with 834 Inhabitants (2018)
Longest rivers Spree (400 km), Havel (334 km)
Largest lake Schwielochsee (13.3 km²)
Highest peak Kutschenberg (201.0 m)
Warmest location Preschen (near Cottbus) with 39.9 °C on July 7, 1994
Driest locations Lindenberg and Doberlug-Kirchhain with 0 mm precipitation in October 1908
Geographical center of the Land Lake Fahrland (Fahrländer See), marked by a stele in the water
Outermost border points Wismar/Hansfelde (North)
Jerischke (East)
Ortrand (South)
Besandten (West)



Inhabitants 2,511,917 Inhabitants (2018)
Inhabitants per km² 84 Inhabitants/km²
Average age 47.1 years (2018)
Marriages 5.2 per 1,000 Inhabitants (2015)
Average age at first marriage Men 35.7 years, Women 33.1 years
Children per woman 1.69 (2016)
Persons per household 2.0 (2017)



Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 65,294 billion Euro (2015)
GDP per working person 26,493 Euro (2015)
Occupation 805,964 Employees (within the scope of national insurance on June 30, 2015)
Working hours per person 1,445 (2014)



Number of pupils 244,294 (2018)
Number of teachers 21,404 (2018)
Number of students 49,551 (2018)


Landtag Brandenburg
© dpa-Zentralbild/Ralf Hirschberger

The new parliament building in Alter Markt has moved the Landtag closer to the people in the literal sense of the word. Read more

Dr. Dietmar Woidke
© brandenburg.de

Elected on August 28, 2013, Dr. Dietmar Woidke became 3rd Minister-President of the Land Brandenburg. Read more

Federal Foreign Office
© auswaertiges-amt.de

German-Polish Cooperation
As Coordinator for German‑Polish Cooperation, strengthening intersocietal and cross-border cooperation is a top priority for Dr. Dietmar Woidke. Read more